
Showing posts from December, 2016

What gifts will you give?

What gifts will you give this year? I have been doing a lot of thinking this year about the Christmas season. What I love most about it is all the planning, shopping, baking, gifting, feasting, decorating, etc. I love it all so much that it is a let down to me after all that is finished. But this year it has really been on my heart about why we Christian's celebrate Christmas?  We are to find joy in knowing that our Savior was born in a humble stable on a cold night. He came to our sinful world to give us the gift of his wisdom, peace, love and eventually his life. He had no other gifts. No shiny new toys, fancy Christmas lights, no big screen tvs, no games. He gave himself for us.  So as this Christmas season closes in on us my thoughts are on what gifts can I give to Jesus. What gifts will I bring to Jesus this year? Will it be a smidgeon of my time, a thoughtless prayer of thankfulness, a pittance of my earnings? As I ponder these things I am prayerful that this year i...

Shabby Olde Potting Shed: Day 8... Be Loved and New Recipe Book

Shabby Olde Potting Shed: Day 8... Be Loved and New Recipe Book Lea, That is so sweet. What a great idea. I just love your artwork on the cover... Dawnduttonalloneword